Sunday, April 20

Free in the Middle!

Lately we hear people saying that the Bible is just a book, but it is only in Jesus that God revealed Himself. It is generally packaged in language that would sound a lot nicer, saying the Christ, alone, is the Word, or that the Bible is made of physical stuff like paper and ink, so how can we really trust it. Interestingly, a lot of these folks happen to have some paper and ink hanging on a wall someplace, which they expect to be taken quite seriously.

So what do we have, if we "only" have Jesus as God's revelation? First off, without the 300+ Bible prophecies He fulfilled we've already overlooked some amazing credentials. Then we would also lose His history within the Old Testament record as there are a number of incidents in which He shows up as a special messenger for God, whether as the "Captain of the Lord's hosts" to Joshua, the mysterious Melchizadek who met Abraham, and to whom Abraham gave a tithe (tenth part) of all he had gained in a miraculous victory of his servants against the kings of three cities, or any of many others. Then still we have Jesus quoting and authenticating the writings we've just been told aren't authentic. Can we have it both ways? If God has spoken to us at all, then Jesus Christ is right in the middle of God's revelation of Himself, as God personally, come as a man for mankind!

On the Cross, Jesus lived out what David wrote in Psalm 22 (among other places), and what Isaiah described in chapter 53 (among other places), and then rose again as predicted (again...). When He did rise, He told His disciples that it was necessary that He die and rise again as predicted in the Prophets, and that He would be returning to set all things right. If we take a serious look at Bible prophecy we find that hundreds of warnings and promises have already comeabout concerning captivities and returns, setting up and bringing down of kingdoms, and especially of Jesus' coming as the "Son of Joseph," the suffering Messiah. The promises of His Return, and the resurrection of all the dead (the righteous to eternal life, the rebellious to eternal torment) are just as sure, with His own resurrection as living proof that God is able to do even that.

So what do we do with that? Thomas had his doubts, but when confronted with the living Christ could only say, "My Lord and my God!" Thousands since him have gone the same way: They had their doubts, but when they were faced with that one Reality gave up their own worn-out opinions (as they suddenly saw them to be) for the Truth of God. When we consider what is in the balance, this is definitely one question that is worth finding out. Like Jesus said, "They will now the truth, and the truth will make them free," and, "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!"

1 comment:

  1. A valuable historical discussion of Christ and his Biblical credibility, Robert. Since the media is often not going to give the Bible and Christ a fair evaluation, a person must critique religious claims, and within Christian thought the idea is that God will enlighten/guide those who shall believe and trust in him, as we have already discussed from different perspectives. From a human perspective in evangelism, we can ask that persons look at discussions and points as you have presented them, for example. We can also encourage persons to pray and ask God if the gospel is true.

    I have a new short article as well.


So what's your take?