Tuesday, August 19

"Only Believe!" Or, not. . .

"Believing is more important than what we believe." It's strange that nothing seen allows such an approach, yet we like to think that the Unseen is the same as the Imaginary. A child once thought that everything was just as it appeared. A box, with knobs and dials in the right placement, would play music. Another box, with the right markings, would tell the time. What he did not see made all the difference, didn't it? An unknown belief or attitude in one's fiance can make a world of difference in one's life over the years, and a charge on a small bit of wire can change one's whole outlook on life in an instant. When it comes to faith, it is just the same, only more so. In Romans we read that, "the gospel of Christ is the power of God for salvation." Now, if one's doctor says, "The instructions on this medicine bottle are crucial for your recovery," how wise is it to leave that bottle on the shelf, or apply the medicine according to mood, opinion, or hearsay? Is merely possessing the medicine enough to restore health? If we will take the doctor's advice on earthly matters so seriously, when the best he could do was allow us a few moments to this life, what of a message, that is proven by the life and resurrection of the Son of God, that promises us eternal life? What, exactly, is that message? Is there anything in this world more important than finding out? Rather than leave this hanging on such a precipice, we do have some definite signposts to follow. Please stay tuned for some crucial particulars!


  1. If we would take the doctor's advice on earthly matters so seriously, when the best he could do was allow us a few moments to this life, what of a message, that is proven by the life and resurrection of the Son of God, that promises us eternal life? What, exactly, is that message? Is there anything in this world more important than finding out?

    God as creator is the greatest being.

    Human beings are God's creations.

    In human terms, persons should find out about God, through study, prayer and fellowship.

  2. From God's perspective, the Holy Spirit guides his followers in various ways, but the previous short argument was from a human perspective.

  3. I wonder, from my little chair here, how much the enemy has in place to keep people from receiving the Truth. Education selectively filters the study of History (almost) to preclude any rational assessments, English and other classes leave logic behind to the point of not even teaching the very logic (grammar) of our language, and the news and entertainment media seem geared to actually develop a short memory and shorter attention span. Plus track such things as song lyrics over the last 100 years..! People will only grasp as far as they believe their arms will reach, and we see Jude's prophecy becoming more true by the day, don't we?

    All things considered, the bottom line is and has to be, "Those things that are impossible with men are possible with God!"

  4. Education selectively filters the study of History (almost) to preclude any rational assessments...

    All too true, too often.

  5. People will only grasp as far as they believe their arms will reach, and we see Jude's prophecy becoming more true by the day, don't we?

    Mockers who follow their own lusts, wordly and without the Spirit...yes sounds familiar.


So what's your take?