A murder in Kansas has the attention of all the news media today. However many innocents have died in Sudan or Congo, how many Christians have been imprisoned, tortured, murdered in countries throughout the world, none of that is newsworthy. Neither, apparently, is the growing toll of abortions in this country. One man, one of a handful who openly aborted even babies at the point of birth, and who used the bloody gains of his butchery to bankroll his own filthy agenda in the halls of Government, has himself been killed. Do two wrongs make a right? Or could there have been a better solution? Doubtless this fellow Tiller (Was he yet a doctor, or was his license to practice as an MD actually pulled as I vaguely recall?) At any rate, the "abortion provider" awaits his Judgment while Public Opinion suffers a new wave of opinion engineering as the Media trade on the the shock value of his death to create a martyr.
What will come of this? Will his death reduce the number of abortions, or are there too many more dogs in smock coats ready to lap the filth he left behind? Will it cut off the funding to his favorite Governor, or with her new appointment would he have actually have been more of a liability than an asset? Interestingly, the police seem intent on finding ties to pro-life groups instead of simply looking for what ties there may be.
For you and me- Will we content ourselves cluck our tongues over the terrible situation (pick one!) as we go about our daily business of generating tax dollars, or do we bother ourselves to pray, fast, and examine our own hearts & lives that the Lord will still have mercy on this country, that we as a country may turn from our corporate individualism, petty selfishness, and our growing thirst for the perverse, and commit to the right thinking, right loving, and right living that He wants to restore in our lives?
A wise priest said recently that if a politician has no respect for the life of the most innocent and helpless among us, why should we expect them to protect the rest of us? And "it's the economy, stupid?" Righteousness establishes a nation, but sin will only, always, destroy it. No politician, but only God can do anything to save us.
Debra, as far as his church goes, I'm assuming he attended an "Evangelical Lutheran" church where pretty much anything goes (except Gospel faith) according to all reports. I do recognise that God does deal in poetic justice- the safety of the "mother" church betraying one who violated the safety of so many mothers' wombs.
ReplyDeleteBut am I glad that his family is bereaved? Isn't it better to pray for them? We might speculate about how their luxuries were bought, or what someone might have said to attempt to dissuade him from the madness that would cause so many deaths, including his own. But, pastorally, some child lost a grandfather. Someone lost a father, a husband. These are real pains in real people's lives. Pain God sees, cares about, and is able to use for their salvation.
'But am I glad that his family is bereaved? Isn't it better to pray for them? We might speculate about how their luxuries were bought, or what someone might have said to attempt to dissuade him from the madness that would cause so many deaths, including his own. But, pastorally, some child lost a grandfather. Someone lost a father, a husband. These are real pains in real people's lives. Pain God sees, cares about, and is able to use for their salvation.'
ReplyDeleteWell stated and balanced. On satire and theology and thekingpin68 in recent comments, you may be interested.
Sad all the way around. Murder does not justify murder. God is judge - the real punishment awaits those who do not truly repent.
ReplyDeleteAnd the judgment of a nation that tolerates such? It always starts at the church (1 Peter 4:17).
I agree Murder does not justify murder. And in the following, I am in no way calling for physical response. I am comparing events and wondering why they are so different. About 70 years, a process had begun which would eventually end the lives of ^ million jewish (and some other) person. This, in part, invoked a response called war. Many people took to arms to stop this atrocity. The killing of these persons was part of a legal act according to the Gov't in power. Some people, including theologians, under the authroity of the Reich, decided it must obey the powers placed above it and accept the dictates of that authotity. if you disagreed, you just quietly pray. Others spoke openly against the power in control, some staying in harms way and some getting out of Dodge. In my "street polling" about whether the taking up of arms against these atrocity was warranted, almost everyone I have asked agree it was. Innocent people were being killed. Prayer is powerful and it is amazing, but had that been the worlds only response instead of praying and using the abilities we were given to act and respond to protect the innocent, I wonder what the result would have been.
ReplyDeleteNow, Today, in the US there are approximately 1.4 Million abortions per year - about 3,700 abortions per day.
Worlswide, there are approximately 42 Million children killed per year under the legal term Abortion. Yes we should pray hard and fast, but is that it. because it is legal, we should work within the system to stop this senseless killing. After all, it's the authoirty placed above us. Just let these innocent continue to die as we quietly pray, maybe lobby a little with letters, and maybe a little lively discussion about it now and then.
BTW, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells me I am in error about the 6 million persons murdered. That was an historical fabrication. maybe they'll say that about the abortion numbers some day.
ReplyDeleteBetween the trauma of divorce directly affecting half the adult population today, and the hidden horror carried by countless women since 1973, the psychic damage to this country is incalculable. The guilt of this nation, before the God Who speaks of a nation's productivity being cursed for allowing even one murderer to live, is yet to be fully demonstrated. In the meantime, Bill O'Reilly was spot-on tonight when he linked the George Tiller with the devaluing of children, which led to that man in Oklahoma getting a one-year sentence for raping a five-year-old girl. (I am so close to praying those OK inmates have some good heavy socks to swing those padlocks in!)